Friday, September 25, 2009

Ben to University of Oregon

Yesterday we dropped Ben off at the University of Oregon (in Eugene). I can't believe my son is now a college man!
He got off to an memorable start. There were two campus-wide power outages his first evening. Then, at 11 pm when he was ready to go to bed, he found that his dorm room key wouldn't work. A maintenance man showed up about 1 am with some lock lubricant that solved the problem. This morning Ben got up at 8 am to hit the gym - only to find out that they don't open until 10 am (but will be 8am once school starts next week). So he tried the track - but they were closed, too. Good luck, Ben!


  1. How exciting! I'm sure Ben will love college life.

    Barry visits Eugene every once in a while for work, so Ben will have to show him the favorite Duck dinner hangout.

  2. WOW! Ben has a single room as a freshmen???? Fantastic! My first year I shared a room about that size with a hippy from the City. But we did have maid service and laundry service. The good old days!

